Weekly Events
Small Groups - Sundays at 9:30AM
Choir Practice - Wednesdays at 5:00PM
Handbells - Wednesdays at 6:00PM
Soup Kitchen Outreach - Thursdays from 11:00AM - 1:00PM
Men's Bible Study Group - Tuesdays at 6:00AM
The Believe Project
The Believe Project is a Christmas community outreach mission sponsored by Helena First United Methodist Church. Working hand in hand with the Phillips County Department of Human Services (DHS), we are able to provide the Phillips County community and opportunity to extend their blessings to others in the area. Every child/young person in foster care or protective services custody receives Christmas gifts. DHS provides a Christmas party, with Santa included, to present the gifts to these children and young people. It is truly a wonderful way of being the hands and feet of Jesus to some of our most forgotten people in our community.